Fiber keeps your intestines healthy, stimulates your digestion and helps you lose weight.

In this article, you can read about the 20 most fiber-rich products that help you stay healthy and slim.

Adults need 30 to 40 grams of dietary fiber per day. Vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains are products rich in fiber. But which ones contain the most fiber? You can read it in this article.


  • Why is fiber healthy?
  • Lose weight with fiber-rich food
  • What contains fiber?
  • Top 20 Most High Fiber Foods
  • Diet without fiber
  • How to eat fiber-rich food!

What is fiber-rich food?

Plant products such as vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes are the foods rich in fiber.

You also call these products ‘fiber-rich food’. Of these food groups, there are foods that stand head and shoulders above the rest in fiber content. You can read which ones they are in the list later in this article.

But why is it so important to eat enough fiber every day?

Why fiber is important

More and more research shows that your health improves and the risk of chronic conditions is reduced if you get enough fiber every day. Research shows that fiber …

  • Lowering bad cholesterol [1,2]
  • Help prevent cardiovascular disease [1,3]
  • Help prevent type 2 diabetes [4]
  • Fighting obesity [5]
  • Keeping your intestines healthy and preventing and healing inflammation [6]
  • Help cure irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) [6,7].
  • Support your resistance.
See Also:  Top 20 Most High Fiber Foods

Many of the health benefits of fiber come from the effect it has on your gut flora. This is a name for the millions of bacteria that live in your intestines. These bacteria have a major impact on your health and even how you feel.

Summary: Fiber is crucial to the functioning of your body.

But not all fiber is the same. There are two types of fiber, and each has its own unique health benefits:

  • Soluble fiber
  • Insoluble fiber

Soluble fiber absorbs a lot of moisture and forms a gel-like structure in your stomach and intestines. This stimulates bowel movement and protects your intestinal wall from inflammation.

Soluble fiber also nourishes the good bacteria in your intestines. These bacteria make short-chain fatty acids, which help create the protective layer in your intestinal wall and heal it from damage.

Finally, soluble fibers keep your blood sugar stable and in this way protect you even more against type 2 diabetes.

Soluble fiber can be found mainly in:

  • Legumes
  • Fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Oatmeal

Insoluble fiber is not absorbed into your body. They are the ‘street sweepers’ of your intestines: they keep your intestines clean and active.

Insoluble fiber can be found mainly in:

  • Whole grains
  • Pseudocereals
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
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Fiber aids in weight loss

Fiber helps you lose excess pounds in three ways [5].

Because they absorb a lot of moisture, they ensure a full feeling, while they provide hardly any or no calories. In addition, fiber keeps your blood sugar stable, which prevents you from craving an unhealthy snack after an hour.

Finally, they stimulate fat burning. Soluble fiber feeds your good gut bacteria, which in return produce short-chain fatty acids. These encourage your body to burn more fat.

Summary: High-fiber foods help you lose weight quickly and healthily without feeling hungry.